Transforming the Future of Orchestra
We Sponsor New Technologies and Methods.
The purpose of the Initiative for Orchestra Innovation is to sponsor innovative technologies and methods that enable American art music and the people who make it to flourish and prosper.
Our primary area of activity for the foreseeable future is to fund research and development for new music technologies, new business models, and transformational consulting services that enable orchestras to fulfill the future they envision.

Legendary inventor Jim Winey
holding the first Magneplanar prototype
is the lead donor for the OSIRES™ project.
The OSIRES™ Project
The Orchestral String Instrument Reinforcement and Enhancement System (OSIRES) is a new technology that enables a small orchestra to sound like a large one with no hint of artificial tone quality. Designed for orchestras that have budgetary, acoustical, or space constraints, OSIRES makes it possible to play the grand orchestral repertoire in optimal balance with obvious improvements in tone quality and intonation, and decreased repetitive stress injuries.
The UniKlavier™ Project
In many communities, artist class pianos, harpsichords, harps, celestas, marimbas, portativ organs, cymbaloms, bass saxophones, ophicleides etc. and their expert performers are often hard to find or too expensive to engage. The UniKlavier Project is about creating an affordable, user designed, completely professional, electronic instrument to convincingly emulate these infrequent but important visitors to the orchestra.
The Abundance Project
Living and working in the not-for-profit world often creates a set of unexamined assumptions, limiting beliefs, and habits of thought that constrain our ability to solve persistent problems. The Abundance Project provides transformational consulting services including strategic planning, leadership development, and communication training that makes these constraints disappear. We equip board, staff, and performers to create effective action together as one committed community.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests.
+1 (707) 484-5448